rollFEED® Turning on Okuma’s Aerospace Workshop


Okuma’s Aerospace Workshop

We have pleasure in inviting you to Okuma’s Aerospace Workshop taking place Wednesday, 23 May, 2018 – Thursday, 24 May, 2018 at the Okuma Aerospace Centre of Excellence in Krefeld, Germany. Dedicated to provide cutting-edge machining solutions for the industry the Okuma Aerospace Centre of Excellence acts as a proving and testing ground for aerospace manufacturers.

Together with renowned partners Okuma will present highly efficient machining solutions based on the latest technologies such as Vandurit rollFEED Turning. Besides conventional machining Okuma will demonstrate additive manufacturing processes like LMD and laser hardening with our super multitasking machines for aerospace parts.

This event offers high-level live machining demonstrations and time for individual discussions with the experts.


Wednesday, 23 May, 2018 – Thursday, 24 May, 2018
09:00 – 16:00


Okuma Europe GmbH
Europark Fichtenhain A20, 47807 Krefeld, Germany